So its been 364 days since the best day of my life, ever..
so there is this little tour going on across the country.
you may have heard of it.
Kids save up months and months before they go, just to buy their fav bands shirts, posters nad any other shit bands are willing to sell us.
50 plus bands come out and play for kids [die hard fans] in 100 degree weather...
their living conditions for the whole summer...not something i could do.
not being able to shower or eat good meals...dangg
Well its called,
Vans [Fucking ]WARPED TOUR!
AH and its tomorrow!!! less then 24 hours away.....
sdjfhksdjhfksjdhfkjsdhfkjshdfkjshdkfjshdk Gahhh
all my favorite bands in one place...DREAm COmE TruE <33
plus you cant walk around the place without seeing thee coolest people. thee HOTTEST people
Dunks, v-necks, sweet hair and skinny jeans, we are gonna hit the "scenebox" FOSH.
oh and I will be with all my favorite people [dan&tay]..minus my twinnys i will miss them greatly. =[
but lemme tell you..WE ARE GONNA LOOK HOTT.
[last year was a fucking joke.. i dont even wanna remember how i dressed.] haa
but anyway i'm not gonna be able to sleep tonight.
im leaving at 8am.
il probs be up at 6am haha
stuffing myself with food and wa wa.
i really dont wanna pass out in the 94 degree weather
or spend money on food and stuff..gahhh
ok im too excited and jumbled to write anything more
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